About Us

Hi there! I am Kierra, the face behind AgeCareReview.com


My experience with Aged Care started with caring for my Grandmother, including taking care of her as she progressed from low to high care needs. When I was unable to provide the standard of care she needed, I was under a lot of stress and put a lot of effort into the research, selection and engagement with several care facilities here in Melbourne, Australia. I was disappointed by the lack of information available and wanted to be able to make this process as easy as possible for others, and be able to share my notes and experiences.

I then proceeded to look after both of my aging parents as they began to experience health issues.

I started AgeCareReview.com to share my experience and passion for quality age healthcare, and to share my tips and tricks, and the resources and tools I have found useful.

I would love to hear from you, and you can get in touch here